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Whether you're planning to conceive, are pregnant, have experienced loss, just had your baby, or had your baby ages ago… everyone is welcome to become of a member of the SMC! When you become an SMC Member you join a community of people who care about positive experiences across the perinatal journey. You’re lending your voice and support to a radical movement which believes in quality, tailored, culturally safe, accessible-for-all care based on love and community.


We are a Cooperative because we believe maternity support should be community led and owned - which means we think YOU should have a say in the care you receive. Our cooperative model means our members can help shape what we do, so that we stay as relevant and helpful to you as possible. 

When you join the SMC:

  • Your monthly donation funds the work we do and ensures we can continue to provide care for everyone who needs it.

  • We get to know you, which means we can do our best job of signposting you to relevant information and support, as well as offer you any one-to-one help you need.

  • You’re supporting the work and longevity of a radical, inclusive movement for pregnancy, birth, fertility, abortion and loss.

  • You can have a say in how the SMC is run and what we do. Keeping us relevant and helpful for everyone who needs us.

Membership can be for anything from £1 a month to more, most people choose to give between £10-20. We won’t ever turn someone away because of a lack of funds, we do not means test you, and you can choose to alter your membership subscription or cancel it at any time. Paying more for your membership doesn’t mean you can access more than someone who pays nothing, we believe access to care should be universal and non-discriminatory.

Join the SMC here

The form currently requires a minimum monthly contribution of £1 and you’ll need a debit card to fill it out. If this isn’t suitable for your circumstances you are welcome to join for free by contacting us via email. 

If you require our membership forms in a different format (large print. a different language, or audio format etc.) please contact us by telephone or email. Contact details are at the bottom of this page.